Our Goldendoodles
A Goldendoodle is a mixture between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle; the Poodle part of the mix can be one of the three sizes of Poodles, Standard (the largest), Miniature and Toy. Standard Goldendoodles typically range from 22 inches (to the shoulder) to 26/27inches although on occasions they can reach the dizzy heights of 29 inches or more. Whilst being totally adorable, we found that Standard Goldendoodles can sometimes be just too big for some families so we decided to look at also breeding a ‘scaled down’ version, leading us to the Miniatures and Mediums that we continue to breed today. We have the potential to breed smaller Miniatures, the smallest of which mature to around Cocker Spaniel size, up to Mediums, of which the largest can mature to around Golden Retriever size.

Our puppies are perfect for families wanting a 'dog sized dog' but not a pony! Both our Miniatures and Mediums result in a perfect family sized companion coupled with the gorgeous teddy bear looks that the Goldendoodle is renowned for, and wonderful, gentle, friendly temperaments which are second to none.
It is important to be aware that we cannot guarantee size as size genetics is complex. This is because genes are passed on from previous generations which means that puppies can end up smaller than their smallest parent or taller than their tallest parent. Please be aware that in an F1 mating, or any mating from any generation with a larger parent, because one parent is Golden Retriever size, their puppies can easily reach the size of a Golden Retriever when mature, although they are not normally as heavy. This is despite the sire being a Miniature size. This will apply to any puppy from any F1 mating (or any mating of a later generation with a larger parent) with a Miniature or even a small Toy Poodle or Doodle, regardless of the size of the Poodle or Doodle and regardless of the breeder. I have so many people contact me to tell me that their puppy has grown to be much larger than expected as their breeder told them they would be Cocker Spaniel size, despite one parent being much larger! When giving size predictions, it is important to understand that puppies' sizes can range between that of the smallest parent to that of the largest parent, and some can grow to be outside of each extreme.
Another common confusion is that dogs will be bigger than bitches. In general with purebred dogs, males in a litter are usually larger when adult but this certainly isn't always the case when breeding from parents of different sizes.
If you would like a dog who has the best chance of maturing to a smaller size, both parents need to be small. This means this isn't going to be an F1 mating or any other mating with a larger parent. Here at Kizzabella we do have the potential to breed Miniatures, but these can not be F1 puppies. as the likelihood is that many F1 puppies grow to be larger than what most people would envisage a Miniature to be.
We are now in the very fortunate position of being many years along in our breeding programme where we have focussed on bringing through the most desirable traits forward and our multigenerational puppies encompass the positive attributes that have been our breeding goal since the beginning in 2009.
The vast majority of the photos on our website are of our Multigenerational puppies, both our Goldendoodles and Irish Doodles.


To Adult
Goldendoodles are, in our opinion, the perfect dog! As well as being gorgeous to look at, they have excellent temperaments being gentle, biddable and beautifully natured. Both the Golden Retriever and the Poodle are in the top four most intelligent dog breeds, and whilst this is often what attracts people to the breed, it is important to realise that with this intelligence comes the potential to make mischief…..you need to have plenty of time to keep them mentally stimulated and occupied.
Depending on their coat type (see Generations Explained) Goldendoodles generally require fair to high coat maintenance. The majority of Goldendoodles will require professional coat care at least at some point in their lives, some need only very occasional clipping whilst others need more regular visits to the groomers, but what tends to happen is that the dogs that shed the least require the greatest amount of attention to their coats in order to prevent mats from forming. This is because all ‘non shedding’ dogs do actually moult but the dead coat stays on the dog and so needs to be groomed out otherwise it will form mats. The most difficult time to maintain the coat tends to be when the puppy coat is being shed at around 8 months of age and this is often the time that people will decide that a trip to the groomer is in order.