Kizzabella Reviews - An Owner's Perspective
Below is some feedback we have received from our puppy families.......
Oscar: Standard F1
'Just an update in how Oscars getting on.
He is the most loving dog you could ever imagine, intelligent & well behaved, switched on & just loved by everyone.
He loves people & other dogs even more, loves to carry things & bring them to you & when he want a cuddle Oscar gets one, whether you want it or not as he's on your lap in a second.
He has a bucket full of toys which he plays with all the time but for some funny reason always finds it more fun to pull the sandals off your feet & run.
He's only a week or 2 from his next new bed as he's nearly grown out of his current one.
He's house trained already & has been for the last 4 weeks, amazing for his age, he also knows he has to sit when he comes to a road & waits to be told to cross, truly amazing for a puppy.
We only have one problem with this most fantastic loveable fella & that's, we cannot walk him anywhere in peace as everyone wants to stop & fuss over him (which he loves) everyone knows in the village of this new Goldendoodle, he just steals the show everywhere .
We love him to bits & every day is a joy to have him as our new best friend'
An update......
'I thought I’d give you an update on how Oscar is getting on, as you’ll be able to see from the pictures he is growing in to a fabulous good looking boy, he is so happy & bringing all of us a fantastic amount of joy & fun, as you can imagine as he’s still a puppy (a big one) he’s still very inquisitive & is always looking for something new to investigate.
When we spoke back in March about Lynne & I getting Oscar from you we told you he would be so loved & cared for & he is, he has a large range of toys & more importantly lots of people to play with him, he has the run of the house (along with our direct neighbour’s houses too as they love him to bits) & is always happiest when he’s with one of us, picture 1 above is him enjoying the Olympics as he just loves all other animals even on the TV. He has a choice of so many different walks on our doorstep & picture 2 above was taken at the lake a few weeks ago & he was fascinated by all the swans & ducks in the water, as you can see he is off his lead as he is so obedient for a young dog & he has been the easiest dog ever to train (however he stays on his lead when we’re near traffic to be on the safe side) & he is a pleasure to take out, he’s still stealing the show wherever we go, everybody want to know all about him, where we got him, which breeds were his Mum & Dad, how big will he get & the one question we always get is, will he cast ? All the other people who are dog walkers in the village know Oscar & he knows all of them & he meets so many of them every day, he just loves people & other dogs & is a great socializer.
We have a choice of so many beautiful clean beaches to take Oscar & on the hot days we’ve had this year he gets a bit hot & bothered, so we take off to the beach to cool down, he loves to get hosed off when he comes back from the beach (more play time we think) & it takes 2 to 3 large towels to dry him off, again, more play time.
You have produced the most fantastic loveable friendly dog you could ever imagine & the 4 of us are so lucky to have him, not only do we all love him to bits we adore him, he is so happy & our No1 best friend, we really hope all his brothers & sisters are as happy & loved as Oscar is. If you are ever coming up north of Newcastle we would love you to call on us so you can see how happy & loving he is, he is so intelligent I’d go as far as to say if he saw you he would remember you.'
Teddie: Miniature F1
'Teddie, our Minature Goldendoodle is a gentle, smart and inquisitive, playful dog. She is everything we hoped for when we were looking for a family dog. She is great with small children and very social with people. She is very intelligent and easy to train, always eager to please. Lovely to take for walks, she is friendly and non-aggressive with other dogs. She loves to run when off lead and will come back when called. Not an excessive barker, she will bark on command or when she gets a little too excited but doesn't bark at the door bell or other loud noises. She does moult and needs brushing once a day. She has a great sense of humour and loves to pinch socks!'
Barney F1 Miniature:
'Everyone stops and plays with him. He loves attention and is friendly with everything and everyone. No one has ever seen a miniature and they are all amazed at his good looks and fabulous temperament. One really could not wish for a more playful loving and gorgeous dog. He is exactly how a dog should be.'
Heidi F1b Miniature:
"Our Miniature Golden Doodle is beautiful and everyone finds her irresistibly cute! But what's really important is that she's friendly, people and dog orientated and capable of handling anything that life throws at her and that's because of all the hard work done by you her breeder to make sure that all your puppies are well socialised so they have the best possible start in life!"

Bob: Standard F1
'Just thought I'd send you a mail to let you know how Bob's getting on.
Firstly we absolutely adore him he's got such a lovely temperament, he's got a waggy tail
for everybody he meets. He's been pretty easy to train so far and the lessons with Sarah are
helping no end. I've been giving him his 10 minutes walking a day taking Lily to school and he's not too bad on the lead, even Lily can hold him without any bother. Also he almost house trained now only the occasional puddle, don't want to count my chickens before they hatch but I thought that would be going on for months!
I took him the beach for the first time last weekend to practice recall, he was a big fan and it was also the
first time off the lead and I was amazed at how well he came back, it’s amazing what a bit of hot dog can do!
Any way thought I'd send you a couple of pics and you'll be able to see how big he is getting, he seems to be doubling in size every week, he's even catching up with the St Bernards at dog training..............'
'We've a new baby daughter just over a year ago and Bob is incredible with her and the other girls we really couldn't ask for a better family dog he's just so calm and patient with them.'

Linus Miniature F1b (update at 3 months old)
'He's getting on brilliantly. To be honest I can't believe how easy he is. He's just taken to every challenge we've put him to. He's crate trained, toilet trained, he's doing well on the lead in the garden, we start puppy classes next week once his final jab has taken affect. He's affectionate and plays really well, though we're having to be careful with play biting so lots of time out when he gets over excited.
I can't begin to tell you how much we love him, he really is our perfect dog!'
Noodle Miniature F1
'The 1st visit to the vets went really well, she was quite happy being there and I think it's safe to say she is just about fearless. She's doing brilliantly and seems happy and content.'
Einstein Miniature F1
'Einstein is doing fantastically. He has made friends with our big rabbits and rarely gets over excited at them. He sleeps really well and we checked in at the vets for his appointment next week.
I can't believe how many toys he has been given --- sooo spoilt! but it is wonderful watching him see and hear things for a first time. We have parakeets that are out in the wild down here - very noisy birds and he thought that was amazing, fat pigeons that simply look at him and when we watched him on uneven surfaces he fumbles once and then has it worked out.
He sleeps in a pen with the door wide open and all snuggled in a vet bed.
Clearly a water baby, the kitchen floor has never been washed so often so we gave him some plant trays with a little water to play in on the patio and he can get both paws, both ears, head and chest into a very small dish - glad it is warm so he dries off quickly.
In the evening we try to keep him awake until 10:00 so that he sleeps through but it is really tough some nights.
We have bought a harness for him to start to get used to indoors and he will be going to see the sea on Saturday to get used to all the sights and sounds there as well.
We are so grateful for this beautiful bundle of cuddle. As my mother in law said on Monday, he spreads an infectious smile to everyone.'